Viiiiel Arbeit und Blut hat´s gekostet aber ich hab´s erste "Forget Me Not" Block v. Esther Alius BOM 2012 geschafft! Das erste Mal Kleben-Technique für die Nahtzugaben benutzt, verwendete ich Decoupage Kleber und ... hat´s so hart getrocknet (und zu viel vom Kleber benutzt), dass ich ewig brauchte, die Teile mit der Hand zu applizieren (nur mit große Stiche möglich) und 2 Nadeln gebrochen! Ich wollt´s öfter wegwerfen aber doch fertig gebracht. Aber "Roxanne´s Baste It" wird für´s nächste Block probiert, was weich trocknen soll!!! Ich werde meine Pfingstrosen trotzdem ins Quilt nähen, gefällt mir noch und darf ich vielleicht behalten. :o)
Much sweat and blood went into the making of my first of Esther Aliu´s BOM 2012 "Forget Me Not" block but I finally finished it! It is the first time I´ve tried glued seam allowances for applique and I just used a decoupage glue that´s washable like Elmer´s...but it dried so hard (and I used too much of it) that it took ages to appliqué the nearly 100 pieces by hand (only possible with large stitches)--and I broke two needles in the process! Many times I considered just throwing it away and starting anew...but stuck it out to the end and decided it was worth keeping. In any case, I´m ordering "Roxanne´s Baste It" appliqué glue for the next block, which is supposedly a softer dried edge for appliquéing. I´ll be sewing this block into my quilt anyway and hope it´s one I can keep for myself. :o)
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Block 1, Esther Aliu´s "Forget Me Not" BOM2012 |
Ich fertigte auch der nächste Quiltauftrag und darf Bilder von Susannes Quilt zeigen. Wegen die viele Zacken wollte ich gerne Rundungen ins Quilten bringen aber bin bei geometrische Muster geblieben (rund und zackig, ein bisschen ketisch), dass er nicht zu unruhig wirkt:
I also finished the next quilting project on my commissions list and now I´m allowed to show you some photos of Susanne´s quilt. I wanted to add some rounded quilting because of all the pointy patchwork in the design but kept to geometric patterns (round integrated into the pointy quilt designs which remind me of celtic patterns) that wouldn´t make it too wild:
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Susanne´s Quilt is 1.65x1.93cm, or 65x76inches |
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outer border design |
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corner design |
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inner corner design |
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inner border and between center blocks |
My last photo of the day shows you my flower garden where I should do more weeding soon before it becomes a jungle... On the far right you see the peony bush (that already bloomed in May) that has dark pink flowers and just left of that is the light pink peony bush that is in bloom now. Since I love both and couldn´t decide which of the two colors I wanted to applique on my BOM block, I just went ahead and mixed both colors--and now I have them both! :o)
Happy Summer Days and Hugs,