Schon in April haben mir Inge und Friedl geholfen, schöne Türkis- und Blautöne auszusuchen, was bei Evi im Wohnzimmer passen wurde und daraus habe ich sie und ihren Mann ein Bargello Tischläufer gemacht (ein Hochzeitsgeschenk, was spät dran ist, weil sie tatsächlich September 2011 heirateten!).
...and I´ve really managed to do a lot--even in the sewing department!--that I´m finally able to show you.
Back in April, Inge and Friedl helped me to choose turquoise and blue fabrics that would match the coloring in Evi´s new living room. The bargello tabletopper I made is a wedding gift made for her and her husband--late, because they married last September!
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Evi´s Bargello, 48 x 70 cm / 19 x 28 inches |
Danach war ich frei die Auftragsquilts anzufangen und fing mit Jamie´s Quilttop an, die seine Mama Andrea per Hand mit selbst-gefärbte Stoffe patchte. Ich habe das Medallion in-der-Näht gequiltet und eine schwarze gekrönte Federkranz außenrum, was sehr edel wirkt. (Vorm Abgeben habe ich leider das Fotografieren vergessen aber das schwarz-auf-schwarz Quilterei sieht man auf ein Foto sowieso nicht gut--das will gefühlt werden. :o))
After that I was free to start working on the commissions that have been waiting and began with Jamie´s Quilt, hand-patched by his mom using fabrics she dyed herself. I quilted the center medallion in-the-ditch and added a crowned feather wreath around the border--which looks regal! (Unfortunately I forgot to photograph the quilt before delivery, but black-on-black quilting doesn´t show up well on photos anyway--that´s something you want to feel. :o))
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Jamie´s new starburst quilt, I think approx. 140x200cm / 55 x 78 inches |
Beim Starburst-quilten habe ich schnell mal die Füße/Nadeln/Faden in der Maschine wechseln müssen, um ein Geburtstagsgeschenk für eine meine liebsten Vierzehnjährigen zu nähen:
While still quilting that starburst, I had to change feet/needles/threads to make a quick birthday gift for one of my favorite 14-year-olds:
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Karin´s pouch (favorites: red, and cats!), 8x8x28 cm / 3x3x11 inches |
Meanwhile, I´m behind on the Vintage Flowers BOM (because I´m *trying* to finish Esther Aliu´s first Forget Me Not block halfway decently, more on that later!) but here is the last block I managed to finish to date:
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Block 9 |
A second commissioned bedquilt (just the quilting) is on its way to Karlsruhe and if I get permission to do so, I can show you some photos of that one next time. Something like 20 AMC postcards got stitched lately as well as a couple of pairs of pants patched up...but the next commissioned quilting project is spread out waiting for me to get stitching, so I´d best be off!
Happy Quilting and hugs, Bobbi